Why an AS-IS analysis is important for ERP implementations

ERP implementations are complex processes that can have a major impact on an organization. To ensure that an ERP implementation is successful, it is important to understand the needs of the organization and how a new system will impact business processes. An AS-IS analysis is a process of documenting how an organization works today. This … Read more

Two questions ask if you cannot decide between using a standard system or making a custom application

Sometimes you must choose between using a standard product like an ERP-package or developing something from scratch to support a business function. Let’s say you are seeking a system for managing a quality control process: Should you use the quality management functionality in the ERP-system or another standard application, or should you develop an application … Read more

Monolithic-, SOA-, Microservices- & Serverless Architecture; how does it relate to Cloud-ERP?

As explained in the post on Postmodern ERP; a cloud-based ERP solution does often consists of many different IT applications that interact together towards a core ERP-system. Therefore, the architecture for the whole portfolio of software must be taken into account when an organization is deciding, designing, and implementing a new ERP-based business solution in … Read more

What is postmodern ERP (and why is it important)?

When designing an ERP-based business solution for implementation in an organization, there will always be someone that raises the question of whether the design is going in the right direction. Will the planned solution be able to exploit the possibilities of the current technology in the best possible manner? Do we make some architectural choices … Read more

A “rule-of-thumb” to find the ERP-project cost

A rule of thumb is that you should expect to use about 4-7% of the organization’s yearly revenue on external cost on an ERP-implementation project. This means that if a company has a yearly revenue of 100 million, they should expect to get offers from ERP-vendors on projects costing around 4 to 7 million. However, … Read more

Categories ERP

A definition of the term “ERP”

“ERP” is an acronym of “Enterprise Resource Planning”. However, I choose to define the term “ERP-system” through the following statement: “An ERP-system is an out-of-the-box database application that uses a common database to support the core business processes of an enterprise” The common database is a key here. This means that all users of the … Read more

What is an ERP system?

An ERP system is a type of business software application that is made to support the core business processes of an organization. Typical modules / supported functional areas found in an ERP-system includes: Financial accounting Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Bank management  Inventory management Sales Management Purchasing Management Production Management Master Planning Production Management Human Resources … Read more